Friday, January 16, 2009

Tragedy into Triumph!

I'm currently using Max Lucado's latest book, Cast of Characters, Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God, in my personal time with the Lord. It has been a good experience to read the Scripture associated with the character being written about and then reflect upon the words and questions of Lucado.

The other day I read the chapter on the apostle John that was entitled "Tragedy into Triumph." Lucado took time to quickly review the life of John with Jesus and came to the conclusion that John followed hard after Jesus because of love. John had experienced the love of God deep within his heart and thus could not help but run at lightening speed to the tomb where Jesus had been buried when he was notified the body was missing. It was there that John learned that God has the ability to turn tragedy (death on a cross) into triumph (resurrection from the dead) through empty grave clothes.

As I thought about that this past week, I could not help but reflect upon the last five years for the Auld family. There has been a lot of personal heartache and brokenness, yet in it all there was God. It was God who drew near to us, the brokenhearted and turned our tragedy into triumph.

There was time in my life when I wasn't sure if I would ever be in pastoral ministry again because of some of the hurt my family and I received at the hands of a church. Yet, as I serve at Grace I do so many years later with a passion for pastoral ministry and a passion for Grace Church's future because much like the apostle John, I've experienced the wonderful love of God deep within my heart.

As the vision plan for Grace is unveiled over the next few months, I can't wait to see what God is going to do in and through us as a church body and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. For you see... God has turned my tragedy into triumph and now that I've experienced this first hand my confidence in a gracious, loving God overflows as I witness His mighty hand at work amongst us as the Grace church family!

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