Friday, August 27, 2010

A Weighty Entrustment (Part 2)

Last week I posted a brief blog that dealt with the weighty entrustment that has been given to us who claim to be a disciple of Christ. We have been entrusted with the glorious gospel and all that entails.

One of the reasons this is such a weighty entrustment is due to the fact that there is coming a day when each of us will need to give account before our righteous Judge how we did here on earth for Him. It was a reminder that being faithful with the glorious gospel is more than just telling people about Jesus once in a while (evangelism). As one who has been transformed by the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and had His righteousness imputed to me, my life (all areas) should reflect back to this world the person and work of my glorious Savior. Anything less is a cheap counterfeit that disgraces and devalues my incredible Savior.

There is not a one of us who perfectly follows Jesus, but may our lives reflect Him back into this darkened world more and more. We must always remember there is coming a day when we will need to give account for what we did with the glorious gospel that has been entrusted to us.

"For we must all appear before the judgement seat (bema seat) of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)

"And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory" (1 Peter 5:4 spoken to elders who faithfully reflect Jesus back to their flocks)

More thoughts next week...

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Weighty Entrustment

To be "entrusted" with something is to have another person commit something to you with the confidence that you will manage it appropriately.

So many people strive towards having greater responsibility often out of selfish motives. There is this false assumption that an increase in responsibility brings greater power, prestige and even people who are willing to follow. Unfortunately, many fail to see that the responsibility of being entrusted with something will bring a certain weightiness (which isn't bad) as one comes to a full understanding of the consequences of failing to faithfully carry and fulfill the entrustment.

This past week I was with a group of pastor's that began to discuss a point found often within the pastoral letters of Scripture. We were reminded yet again that God has entrusted us as shepherds and Christ followers with the glorious gospel that is found solely in the person and work of Christ Jesus.

"... the glorious gospel of the blessed God which He entrusted to me." (1 Timothy 1:11)

"Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care." (1 Timothy 6:20)

"Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you, guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." (2 Timothy 1:14)

This is a weighty (defined as "of much importance and/or consequence") concept and I will look to share more of my thoughts on it in my next few blog posts.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Leadership Summit and Other Thoughts...

It is Friday night and I'm just sitting down to decompress after a very busy week which ended with two days of the Leadership Summit. I always enjoy the Summit, but need the rest of the year to process and hopefully implement into my life and leadership some of the principles learned. So here is what's going through my mind at the moment...

I really enjoyed hanging out with the Children and Student Ministry department team on Wednesday night at our home as we welcomed Heidi to the team. They keep me young!

I enjoyed working with our Financial Oversight Team this week as we manage the financially tight times within the ministry. We continue to strike a good balance between fiscal responsibility and a sustained passion for our ministry.

Found a new coffee flavor I love. Carmel Toffee Coffee at the LCBC cafe.

Enjoyed Jim Collins talk on how to recognize an organization in decline and principles to bring it back. One of the comments he made related to a concept that calls leaders to live with both faith and a real awareness of the facts. One without the other can be damaging to an organization.

Also enjoyed a good talk on what motivates people. It wasn't a spiritual talk, but gave some good principles on how human beings are intrinsically motivated to achieve.

Appreciated the encouragement of fellow Christ followers at various times throughout this week. Couldn't dream of doing life in isolation. Thankful for the Body of Christ.

I was fascinated with the GORE story and how their company functions with a lattice style of leadership.

Heard one of the interviewed leaders swear multiple times. That was a first at a leadership summit.

My final thought... was challenged immensely by the pastor from Ada Bible Church on the Land in Between from Numbers 11 that we are all called to walk in. It's not a bad thing!!!