Friday, September 3, 2010

A Weighty Entrustment (Part 3)

For the past two weeks I've been contemplating on the weighty entrustment (the glorious gospel) God has given us. This week I'd like to talk about the concept of remaining faithful to this entrustment.

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to speak with a pastor who has been engaged in pastoral ministry for some time. He has and continues to see the good, bad and ugly of it all as the reality of serving our Lord in a fallen world is real. We talked for a bit about how one survives a lifetime of pastoral ministry (carrying this weighty entrustment) in a broken world that will creep into the church.

The concept of remaining "faithful" came up over and over again. Far too often we have preconceived ideas on what carrying the weighty entrustment for God will look like. I know I've been there. Yet, God may be calling each of us to carry it into places and circumstances we thought we would never experience and He is asking; "Will you remain faithful with it?"

As I pondered it all, it seems like an impossible task until I realize afresh and anew that the reason we can remain faithful is because our Glorious God is first and foremost faithful to us.

Yes the weighty entrustment is indeed weighty at times and the carrying of it will test our resolve and faithfulness, but praise be to God whose faithfulness towards us is a promised constant we can live securely in. Will you rest (will I) rest securely in a faithful God day by day?

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