Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Weighty Entrustment (Part Four)

Something happened this week that I literally HATE! I know it is a very strong word and not to be used, but I HATE GETTING SICK!!! It has been nearly eight months since I've dealt with sickness and I don't like it.

BUT... I think it may be good for me. It is good for me because it is an incredible reminder that I am a frail human being who desperately needs a vibrant relationship with the living God. Far too often I seek to accomplish far too much in my own strength and wisdom. As a somewhat young man (not quite 40 yet) and fairly healthy, I still feel somewhat independent of God at times. And then... I get sick and am reminded how much I need to take care of myself and find the rest needed both physically and spiritually.

I write of my being sick because far too often I believe I along with all who are carrying the weighty entrustment of the glorious gospel must learn to stop trying to carry it on their own. We are frail and will grow weary and will never be able to cross the finish line well for Christ if we try to do it in our own strength for our strength will fail. Our need to utterly depend daily on the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us is essential. Even though I am in Christ, I still battle the flesh (sin) and it desperately wants to try and carry the weighty entrustment for the purpose of destroying the very testimony of Christ in and through me. Thus my need to continue submitting my life and being filled with His Spirit moment by moment becomes an essential part of sucessfully carrying this weighty entrustment.

I don't like being sick, but it does slow me down enough to remind me of my absolute need to walk in the Spirit in order to bear forth the fruit that is produced in a life submitted fully to the person and work of Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!