Thursday, November 19, 2009

Catalyst One Day

This past Monday I had the opportunity to attend the Catalyst One Day event outside of Baltimore, MD and hear Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel talk on the overall topic of Momentum.

Here are a few key thoughts from Andy Stanley's first session on "Gaining and Sustaining Momentum." All of these thoughts are statements/concepts that I will need to process for a while as I think through them within our Grace Ministries context.

Momentum: Forward motion fueled by a series of wins.

Three Components of Sustained Momentum: New, Improve, Improving

New does not guarantee sustained momentum. But new is an essential trigger for momentum.

Improved: The new must be a noticeable improvement over the old.

Improved warning: Even a significant improvement has a shelf life.

Improving: Momentum is sustained through continuous improvement, systematic & unfiltered evaluation.

Momentum Stoppers: Disengaged Leadership, Overactive Management, Complacency, Complexity, A Breach of Trust.

One of the best things I took away from Monday was the reality that Grace Ministries has a number of natural momentum builders looming on the horizon which will be most beneficial to our ministry. The key will be sustaining momentum for years to come for the overall glory of Christ as we seek to build His kingdom here on earth!

Monday was one of those days that both pumped me up and caused me to pause as there is always much to think about when leading a growing organization. But it did show forth the importance of sustained momentum.

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