Monday, October 13, 2008

Crazy Dog, Family Time and Rest

It's Thanksgiving in Canada today, so this morning I gave a great big thank you to God for my family and the fun times we have together. This past weekend, my family and I enjoyed a visit from my brother, his wife and daughter from Canada. There was a lot of laughter and fun outside as the weather was summer like to say the least. One of the highlights of the weekend was to watch my children interact with our crazy English Springer Spaniel.

Now I must confess that this my dog brings me more frustration than joy as of late with his every increasing runs into the corn field behind my house only to pop out a block away 10 minutes later. But, one of the things we love to do with Tucker (our dog) is play sports with him. Last night, under the lights (the spot on the back of our house) the football game got rolling. It was Tucker and I against Josh (my son). What joy I had to watch Josh and Tucker running, laughing and rolling through the grass having the time of their life. It was also a great joy to watch Emma (my daughter) and her cousin Rachel jumping up and down on the trampoline cheering the boys on while also laughing at the antics of our dog.

The other game we enjoy is keep away with our dog. We all get to different points of the backyard with a soccer ball and pass the ball around keeping it away from Tucker. The fun part comes when Tucker actually gets the ball and then we have to catch him. But I do believe the family laughs hardest when dad is chasing the dog and the dew on the ground causes him to stretch and fall in ways that just isn't normal. That's when the roars of laughter (especially from my wife Susan) really light up the neighborhood.

But here is the best part about hanging out with my family (dog included). By the time we all go in, everyone is tired. There is nothing more rewarding than watching my dog fall to the ground in exhaustion knowing full well he and the kids will sleep heavy. This means dad gets to sleep and rest well too! Maybe that's why I'm so thankful this morning!?!?

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