Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Launch into the World of 3 Services

Last night (Saturday) I did something I hadn't done for a while as a pastor. I laid awake from 2:30 -4:30 AM thinking through the launch into three services here at Grace Church and all the logistics we have worked so hard to put into place. The staff at Grace has worked months and months in preparation for this big day. Their hard work is evident in that the morning thus far has gone off with nothing more than a few bumps. All in all, it's been a wonderful launch into the world of three services.

Here are three things that I'm most thankful for this morning:

1) I'm thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of a church that has a need for three services. In a culture where many churches are declining in numbers, God continues to transform lives through the faithful teaching of His Word, wonderful times of worship and creativity which is leading to consistent growth patterns here at Grace. What a joy to be used by God here!

2) I'm thankful for hundreds of volunteers that made this morning a success. As the one giving leadership to many of the logistics that go into adding a service, I am so grateful for the people of Grace who have flexed, transitioned and rolled up their sleeves to make transitioning into three services a reality. They've been great and I know God will continue to bless their service here within our ministry. We could not do what we do on a weekly basis without our volunteers!

3) I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve with a great team every single day of my life. The staff of Grace church is incredible. Their willingness to sacrifice and pour themselves into the commitment that adding a service takes can not be underestimated. Their gifts, skills and passion to meet and move people for Christ is contagious and I'm blessed to do life and ministry together with them.

I believe with all my heart it is only a short period of time before we see three services full. I believe this because we serve an awesome God who loves to meet and move people unto Himself, we have devoted volunteers and a fantastically gifted staff who are pouring themselves into this ministry. It's a good day!!!

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