Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unleash Debrief - MultiSite Strategy (Part 2)

Here are the remaining unedited notes from my breakout session on Multi-Site strategy! As you will see, it has given me much to ponder.

Multi-Site Changes Everything!!! (This point was emphasized repeatedly throughout conference)

Questions to Wrestle With:

Can it be replicated? (Site vs. Main Campus)
Must think through what goes into site vs. what is at main campus (i.e. youth ministry?)
Must ask what do we absolutely need to replicate and what is unique to site area.

What does the main campus control?
What does the site do? What can the site do? Where is there flex? Where is there no flex with the control needing to stay at the main campus?

How do decisions get processed?
i.e. The campus pastor oversees his campus ministry. For example, the director of children’s ministry reports to the campus pastor BUT must also report to a central ministry team at main. This is something they are still working through as there can be tension.

How do we structure?
Must establish a campus pastor to oversee campus ministry
Allow the central team to build into some of the areas (i.e. finances, facility, technology)
Must allow for some tension between central ministries and site ministry.

How do we communicate?
Must keep it simple to communicate similar messages to all campuses
Too much communication/programming leads to confusion on various sites
Multi-site requires simplicity and focus of ministry or else communication breaks down.

What about Leadership Development?
They look to staff from within which requires strong leadership development
They want leaders who have bought into the vision of NewSpring as there is tremendous trust that is placed into the hands of the campus pastor. (i.e. The Greenville site has 2200 people attending… tempting for the campus pastor to break away and do his own thing)

How do we pay for it?
Greenville Site = Campus Campaign with a price tag of $5 million
Hope to see multi-site campuses fully self supporting in 12-24 months
Hope to see site eventually help fund central ministry (i.e. financial staffing on main)
Hope to see site eventually helping to fund new sites.

How many volunteers do you need?
Launched Greenville with 180 and are now up to 550.
They look to have a 30% volunteer base when launching a site.

How do you choose a Campus Pastor?
He must be willing to execute vision (why they hire from within)
He must be able to communicate the vision (not necessarily preaching ability, but must be able to communicate the vision well)
He must have great relational skills
He must possess the ability to lead through others (must be willing to delegate)
He must be driven (They have to be willing to go and get things done without day to day supervision from the main campus)

GREAT READ: The Multi-site Revolution (Contains time lines, checklist – written by the SeaCoast church staff)

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