It is hard to believe that this time next week will not only be Christmas day but Christmas day in France with the team pictured above. Nine months ago, we agreed to head off as a family with a team from Grace Church to provide a Bible School for the GBIM missionary children while their parents are attending a conference. We are all in the final stages of preparing for our big trip and I am looking to update this blog daily (if possible) from here on out with prayer requests and happenings.
First, let me introduce you to the team pictured above. Beginning on the left, we have the Lutz family (Dean, Jill, Montana and Maggie). Jill currently serves as our Interim Director of Children's ministry here at Grace Church. Next we have Marlin & Sue Weaver who are standing next to Brad & Laura Lutz. Marlin & Sue are leading the team as they served for many years on the missionary field in France and know firsthand the benefits of this conference for the missionary families. Brad and Laura have been serving for years in the children's department of Grace Church and have been some of the key Bible teachers for our own Vacation Bible School over the past few summers. Finally there is the Auld family (Tim, Susan, Josh and Emma). As one of the pastor's at Grace and with Susan being the former Director of Children's ministry, we too are looking forward to representing this church with our many European missionary families. I also know that we are all very excited to be giving the four children this short term mission experience as well.
Secondly, here are a few prayer requests as we get ready to head out on Tuesday afternoon. Please pray that God would help all of us pull together the final details of our trip as we pack and prep to leave during a very busy time of the year. Also keep praying that the British Airways strike doesn't move forward so that we don't have huge disruptions in our flight plans. Finally, please pray that God would continue to prepare our hearts to serve our missionary families well as we interact with them.
More updates to come...
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